Painting rainbows in watercolor

Labels: artist, color, rainbow, tutorials, watercolor
l s
Nita Leland's blog is about her creative and family life, including book reviews, art links and essays on color, creativity, watercolor, writing, teaching and other subjects.
Labels: artist, color, rainbow, tutorials, watercolor
Labels: book reviews, charley parker, lines and colors, new creative artist
Labels: books, new york times
Labels: emily carr, exhibitions
Labels: art studio, storage, tutorials, watercolor crayons
Labels: center of interest, design, emily carr, focal point, grid, rembrandt, tutorials
Labels: art magazines, art/craft, creativity, motivation
Labels: blogging
Labels: little artist, weather
Labels: art studio, full spectrum, kelvin, lighting, tutorials
Labels: child art, collage, little artist
Labels: artist, caricature, portrait, tutorials
Labels: commission, little artist, painting, portrait, tutorials, watercolor
Labels: color, color mixing, color wheel, paint, palette, tutorials
Labels: little artist, scrapbooking
Labels: artist, charley parker, jan van eyck, lines and colors, oil painting
Labels: color, color wheel, exploring color, green, paint, temperature, tutorials, watercolor
Labels: child art, collage, little artist