So, here's how it goes as the deadline approaches. All my ducks are in a row, except for two that are missing. They are small illustrations and easily replaceable, but I clearly remember having done them. I simply can't find them. I search through all my files of past books, both hard copy and digital, to see if I have misplaced them. They don't show up. So, I tell my editor I'll do them over and send them to her this week. I decide to make one more pass at my digital files to see if I have scanned them. I have bazillions of images just for this book, because I scanned artwork from the two previous editions and also have hundreds of digital files from new artists' submissions. I've already checked these, but I skipped a couple of folders where I am certain I would not have put them. This time I decide to take no shortcuts. You've already guessed--that's where I find both of them: in the illustrated color glossary folder. You know that feeling? I remember doing them. They disappeared without a trace. I was beginning to think my memory was failing me. All better now.
Monday, February 22, 2016
About Me
- Name: Nita
- Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States
I've been painting and teaching watercolor since the 70s. My bestselling books on color, collage and creativity are published by North Light Books. Please visit my website .

- July 21, 12, 13 from 9-4. Nita Leland's Color Clinic. Evendale Cultural Arts Center, 10500 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Contact Susan Gordy.
- To book a 3-day workshop, please email me to reserve a date. Workshops are available in color or watercolor.
Previous Posts
- Well, I hope you haven't been holding your breath ...
- Big Smiles--Exploring Color to be Revised, Updated...
- After a busy few months since my last post, I'm re...
- New 3-day workshop coming up November 7-9. "Advent...
- Jacqueline Sullivan's Color Letter--Fantastic R...
- A Watermedia Collage Series on Trees
- Adventures in Creativity, Collage, & Water Media M...
- Meet me in Las Vegas!
- Big Event at Hithergreen Center
- Exploring Watercolor Exhibit at Hithergreen Center
"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." --Pericles
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