My trip to Dallas yesterday was an awesome experience.
The Artist's Showplace, under the direction of Judith Irwin, outdid themselves to create a beautiful event last night, including an impressive display of work by eighteen gallery partners and a special exhibit by some of the artists in
Confident Color.
More than half the artists in my book sent artwork, from New Jersey to California, and as far away as British Columbia, Canada. Impressive artworks from the book hang in the hallway next to the front entrance, leading to a gallery where the rest of the show is displayed--a total of 48 paintings and fiber pieces from 26 artists.
I signed copies of my book, and artist Naomi Brotherton, a venerated Dallas artist, whose book
Variations in Watercolor has been a favorite of mine for more than twenty years, signed pictures of her artwork in my new book. Several artists in the book attended the opening and signed their artwork, including Teta Smith Aris, Gail Delger, Judith Irwin, Sally Meding, Herb Reed, and Kathy Miller Stone.
Other contributors to the exhibit, which will hang at the gallery throughout October, are Karen Becker Benedetti, Derrick Davis, Bing Davis, Anne R. Eberle, Mike Elsass, Rosie Huart, Cathy Jeffers, Cheryl McClure, Trish McKinney, Shirley Eley Nachtrieb, Lynn Lawson Pajunen, Cathy Quiel, Pat Rayman, Donna K. Rogers, Kay Smith, Sharon Stolzenberger, Michalyn S. Tarantino, Leonard Williams and Suzanne Zoole.
Visitors filled the gallery throughout the three hours, as a jazz saxophonist provided musical background. Judith has promised me some photos, so I'll post a link when I get them.
Labels: artists showplace, confident color, exhibitions, opening