Confident Color workshop in Santa Fe

Express your unique color personality in your artwork. Master organizing principles to use color with confidence and develop your own color style. You’ll never mix mud again when you understand split-primary color mixing. Working with color harmonies and contrasts enhances your use of limited palettes. Understanding color schemes provides you with unlimited possibilities for using an expanded palette, including modern colors, to create mood, energy and color vibration in your art.
Artists in all mediums may benefit from this workshop, which covers a brief review of color fundamentals, followed by numerous color-mixing and painting activities at all skill levels. Each day begins with a brief demo and lecture and ends with a helpful group critique. Artists receive individual attention throughout each day and may bring one or two pieces of artwork for private critique during the week.

Express your unique color personality in your artwork. Master organizing principles to use color with confidence and develop your own color style. You’ll never mix mud again when you understand split-primary color mixing. Working with color harmonies and contrasts enhances your use of limited palettes. Understanding color schemes provides you with unlimited possibilities for using an expanded palette, including modern colors, to create mood, energy and color vibration in your art.
Artists in all mediums may benefit from this workshop, which covers a brief review of color fundamentals, followed by numerous color-mixing and painting activities at all skill levels. Each day begins with a brief demo and lecture and ends with a helpful group critique. Artists receive individual attention throughout each day and may bring one or two pieces of artwork for private critique during the week.
Labels: confident color, santa fe, workshop