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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Leading a double life

Being a nanny-granny and an artist-author creates some difficulties sometimes, only one of which is being currently exhausted. I baby-sat Daniel three days this week and yesterday picked Jenna up at daycare for a sleepover at our house. This morning I took her to "school" and drove on to Wilmington to baby-sit her brother.

In the midst of all this I got word from my editor that a change of title is in the works for my book and she needs a new illustration project by Monday. On Tuesday I'm supposed to get the editor's layout for author review. I'll work that in with Jenna's birthday parties and the baby-sitting. I hope Daniel will cooperate.

Daniel was a riot this morning, playing with his toys. He'll be five months old next week. I never saw such a vocal baby. For almost an hour this morning he sat in his little swing and warbled, shouted, cooed, gasped, squealed and squeaked at a little fuzzy panda he loves to chew on. He had me in stitches. This afternoon was a different story--high maintenance. Too tired to eat or sleep. I finally got him wound down by pushing him around the house in the stroller until I thought my legs would give out. He rewarded me with a royal smile when I left.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my, Nita, you have me exhausted reading this post. I know what you mean as I've been there as a wife,mother,grandmother and artist.
Sometimes feeling guilty for being artist first.

7:08 PM  
Blogger Nita said...

Don't feel guilty, Cheryl. Sometimes I have to put my work first, too. For years I didn't do anything for myself, but now I realize it's my right to do that. If I don't take care of myself, I'm not much good to anyone else.

7:51 PM  

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