How varied are the delights which may be gained by those who enter hopefully and thoughtfully upon the pathway of painting; how enriched they will be in their daily vision, how fortified in their independence, how happy in their leisure. --Winston Spencer Churchill
Monday, November 28, 2005
About Me
- Name: Nita
- Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States
I've been painting and teaching watercolor since the 70s. My bestselling books on color, collage and creativity are published by North Light Books. Please visit my website .

- July 21, 12, 13 from 9-4. Nita Leland's Color Clinic. Evendale Cultural Arts Center, 10500 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Contact Susan Gordy.
- To book a 3-day workshop, please email me to reserve a date. Workshops are available in color or watercolor.
Previous Posts
- Music and Visual Art
- I want to touch people with my art. I want them to...
- Testing watercolor paper
- Every man's work, whether it be literature or musi...
- The sun shines bright...
- Check out the archives
- I'm not making this up.
- Continuing saga of the Little Artist
- Ups and downs
- Water-mixable oils
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