Art in the fast lane

Last night I went to the opening of the spring juried show of the Western Ohio Watercolor Society and came home with a blue ribbon for my transparent watercolor portrait of my granddaughter. Jenna and her parents attended, so I introduced my "model" to the group at the presentation. She did a couple of twirls in her dress as only a three-year-old can do, then whispered to me, "I got a cookie." Now, that was something to twirl about.
Saturday's workshop for the Art Quilt Network was challenging and fun. Art quilts were exhibited around three walls of the conference room on eight-foot vertical panels, a dazzling display of color and skills. I made short work of some basic principles just to be sure we were all on the same page, then we jumped into color contrasts and color schemes. Questions were asked about color design, so we did that, too, although I hadn't planned it. It was a good group, intensely devoted to the pursuit of excellence in art quilting.
Labels: art organizations, color schemes, family, fiber arts, little artist, quilting
Congratulations! That's no small achievement in the watercolor world - a blue ribbon in any of the art fields is a thing to celebrate joyfully. The portrait is wonderful in capturing the essence of your granddaughter in time/space. I'll bet she's an absolute charmer. As a former watercolorist and now art quilter, I wish I could study with you - do you ever teach on the East Coast?
Pat in NJ
Thanks, Pat. I have taught throughout the U.S. and several Canadian provinces. I'm scheduled for a color workshop in New Jersey in September, listed on my web site at on the main page.
Congratulations! What a wonderful honor and what a beautiful painting!
Granddaughters can sure hold a special place in our hearts, can't they? How nice that you can paint a portrait of her so beautifully.
It's a beautiful painting. Can you say more about what you mean exactly by "transparent?" I'm a novice and I would define watercolor as typically always transparent.
Jenna's a beautiful child with classic features and a sweet nature. That's what I tried to capture. I have some photos of her impish side, too, that I plan to paint some time.
There are transparent watercolors and opaque watercolors, which include gouache, casein, acrylics and tempera. In this show there are two categories: transparent watercolor and mixed media. Opaque media go into the mixed-media category.
Such beautiful soft colors and transparency! Just lovely.
Thanks, Karen. I used a limited palette of three of the most transparent colors in watercolor--Rose Madder Genuine, Aureolin and Cobalt Blue--in Winsor & Newton artist colors.
beautiful charming piece!
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